Monday, August 10, 2009

-- Inspiration --

O.K. so there is always this kind of inspiration ....

Just like Jason Mraz said ... The best inspiration is personal connection. Last year I had been on YouTube doing the usual. I had been looking for some good guitar covers, and as I sat there looking through some Jack Johnson covers I had found this one guys, that sounded pretty good. So I took the time to comment on his video, and I had also commented on his accent, saying that it was very cool. So after that I just kept on watching videos not thinking too much of the previous comment I had left. But soon after I got a message back ... And from there me and Kurtis, the guy I had commented to, had started talking about guitar playing and a whole bunch of stuff that I could relate to. So as we kept talking he started to get inspired by me, this is because I kept telling him that he should make a new video. And he listened ... As you see below is a video, this video is what became of his inspiration from me ...

Joyful Jamie <3

1 comment:

  1. That's so AWESOME Jamie!! That video was HILARIOUS!! And it's cool u got to inspire someone! :) Keep up the great work!
