Thursday, May 13, 2010

World War III Thoughts

So I have this teacher for history who us students call Mr. Garner. Everyone who has/had him as a teacher loves to be in his class, because not only is he super tight, but he also has the greatest conversations everyday (and everyone loves that because then we get sidetracked and never actually have to do anything, and learn new interesting stuff). But anyways ... Over this last semester in his class he has been bringing up a lot of thoughts about a possible World War III, so that is what I am basically going to talk to you about, and it is basically just for you to read and to get you to think about it yourself.


So in the class we had been learning about the Great Depression and how World War II basically got us out of the economic disaster, and then Mr. Garner brought this to our attention ...
He told us that out of all the years that he has taught this lesson, that this was the first time that he actually got nervous about it, because he felt like we were so very close to a third war then ever before. He showed us how things from then and now kind of lined up, and how we see a lot of things looking the same economically as it did then. And THEN he said, he was even more nervous, because what got us out of the last war? Yes, World War II, so if we are in that same situation, then what is most likely to happen to get us out of this hole? Correct, World War III.
Personally I do believe this ... I just think that it is a matter of time before it hits. You see it everywhere that it is going to happen, it is just in the matter of time. Yes, I am a bit scared, but who isn't in a middle of a war, or when the scent of war is blowing in the air?

..Remember Just a Thought to get you Thinking..

Oh, and have you ever thought about world peace, but in a more twisted way? For instance in the view of the atomic bomb? during the Cold War the US and the Soviet Union BOTH had atomic bombs at a point ... But none of us shot at each other? Why is that? Is it because both of us knew that if one of us shot that we would BOTH die? So what if, just saying IF ... What if everyone was given the atomic bombs??? Would that really create more chaos, or would no one want to shoot it knowing that they would all die??? SO would it create world peace? What do you think???????????????????????

<3 Joyful Jamie for getting your wheels spinning <3

Twilight Series

I did give in.
I am neither team Edward or Jacob.
And No, I am not obsessed with the books,
they are just good reading.

So basically I just would like to comment on how much I hate when people ask me what team I am on. They see me reading the books and always seem to ask me the same question, "So are you team Jacob or Edward?" OR "Are you at this part in the book, because wasn't it juicy?"
HELLO! No, I have not read that part, so thank you very much for RUINING it for me!

Yeah I know I can be bitter, but really? You had to ruin like the best part of the book for me??? Really now, come on ... I mean you could have made sure I have read that part first, THEN talk to me about it, but nope ... got to ruin it for me.

Yeah, so basically I am just writing this because I think it is dumb that so many people who read the Twilight books become so obsessed with them, and think it is dumb to ruin a book for others, so if you see a person reading a Twilight book do not just assume they have read it, ASK!!!

And I also wrote, or I mean typed this so that I can say ... I am NOT obsessed with the Twilight books, never have, and never will be. I purely just like reading the books because I think the author writes it beautifully, and enjoy reading it because it is a good story. I am not like those other girls that drool over the covers thinking about Edward/Jacob. I just read and enjoy what I read simply because I like to read, and that is it.

So yup. That is my input about the Twilight series. And to those men out there that read the books, good for you, and to those who don't ... don't hate the books just because you are jealous and angry that Edward and Jacob set the standards high :P *JOKING*

Joyful Jamie <3