Friday, July 22, 2011

Diary? No, it's called a Idea Book!

Yup, that is right everyone.
I have officially started a diary, except mine is technically called an "IDEA BOOK." Starting today I have decided that I will be writing ALL my ideas in this little notebook of mine. Video ideas, thoughts, or basically any sort of creative idea, AND some journey entries will be in there as well. You may say, well you already have a blogger, that is basically like your online diary. Yes, you are correct, but everything in this diary is going to be top secret.
It is going to be filled with my personal thoughts, personal ideas, and personal information.
All the entries I will be straight from my mind.
I am literally going to just write.
No editing or anything.
The ideas will be on a one lane highway from my mind to the paper.
I think this will be interesting.
Not only will I be able to remember and document my ideas for videos and other stuff, but I will be able to vent and record some special memories in this idea book of mine. I am looking forward to writing in this book every once in a while and in the future reading what my past self has written. It'll be like a time machine in the shape of words.

P.S: I am not going to stop posting here on Blogger if you were wondering. This is just a new form of blog that I decided to start writing in. So no worries, and see you in the next post! Have a good one. - Jamie

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


8:16 p.m. on 7/12/11

Hey Everyone!!
Hope all is well!! I am in the blogging mood, so I'm deciding to write you all a little something to basically catch you up on what has been happening in my life. So here we go.
First of all I GRADUATED from high school!!! Class of 2011 WOOP WOOP!! Finally done with those long four years, and finally get to go to college and be a freshman again lol. Yay.....but no, it really is going to a blast and I cannot wait. It's going to be amazing being a 49'er this fall at CSULB.
Second, I have still been vlogging and posting all kinds of videos on my YouTube Channel. You can check out one of my latest vlog video here, or see my newest Q&A video here. But yeah, I have still being uploading new videos to YouTube so go and watch them if you have not already.
Be sure to SUBSCRIBE while there, please and thank you! :)
Enough of my YouTube talk.
What else have I been up to?
Well, I have recently gotten a summer job at my local pool and really enjoy that. I have also been planning some music videos and other fun films for this summer, and just been chilling with my friends and fishing. I had a wonderful time this fourth of July with my family. We lit a bunch of fireworks, got to see a bunch of illegal fireworks, and discovered the firework setting on my mom's and brother's girlfriend's digital camera.

So... that basically has been my entire summer. The only other thing that I can really think of at the moment is that me and my friend Sierra helped celebrate my other friend Eric's birthday by taking him to lunch and to seven 7elevens on July 11, 2011 (7-11-11). Yes, he shares his birthday with the stores of 7-11, and he had gotten seven free slushees at all the places we had gone to that day. It was pretty much amazing :)

Jamie Perez

Poem: Grudges


Do you remember

Sleeping in while my heart remained resentful?

Strange and beautiful

What sticks and stones can do.

Living with this burden.

Weighted down by water

I am imprisoned to these shackles,

Confined to their locks.

These links are strong.

Their numbers grow,

My heart grows hard.

Five years time,

Grace flows down.

Across the ocean these cuffs float.

To the abyss they sink deep.

Forever gone,


These chains bring me to thee.

Poem: The Situation

The Situation

A Guido there was, with Italian blood.

Dark hair, short; quite clean cut. He was a stud,

Tan and brawny, staying fly, all the time

Changing garments, forever in his prime.

Staten Island he came from, for the pubs

To find in jersey shore and in the clubs.

Two sides he had, one praised, the other not.

Sensitive, yet staying from girls he cannot.

Filling his pockets with digits grew his,

Pride and arrogance, but that’s just show biz.

He schmoozed his way to get girls to his pad.

This he did, a little more than a tad.

Witty, clever, saying what was on his mind,

And what came out was not always so kind.

No matter where he may be on a stroll,

He will have that setting under control.

Hardheaded and stubborn he is and was,

Which is why we viewers give him applause.

Mike Sorrentino his name became known,

The Situation it is mostly shown.